Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Live Returns
C-SPAN and MegaPundit have good live charts and LA Times has the best Interactive
At this hour ...
West Virginia has been called for Bush by CNNBAD NEWS:
Anne Northup of Kentucky has won a decisive victory (usually a bellwether seat)
South Carolina margin of victory is around 60% or greater (Bush retaining strength)
Virginia looking tight (ouch!)11:15 EST: Things are looking very, very positive for the Bush campaign. Florida appears near certain. Ohio is strong. New Hampshire still appears within close reach. NJ is running 11% better than 2000 in popular vote and much closer than the Kerry team probably ever expected. Bunning holds on in the Senate and other races breaking for the Republicans with a sweep of the south, including a 52% (no runoff) victory in Louisiana. Martin Frost and other Texas DemoncRATs knocked off from redistricting. PA and other hopefuls probably out of reach but other remaining mid-west Kerry states still show signs of vulnerability. ... Daschle slap-down has appearance of inevitability!
Jim Bunning taking hits in Kentucky Senate race (would be a reflection of Bunning's performance and not any other indicator)
Reporting & Hand-wringing over Early Exit Polling results may prove detramental to Bush (uggh)