Friday, October 08, 2004
Facts & Events could Undermine Kerry in Town Hall Debate

A member of the New York National Guard looks at documents found in a building in Samarra, including a booklet featuring Osama Bin Laden and the 9/11 attacks.
Paul Bremer: What I Really Said About Iraq
Claudia Rosett: Saddam’s Sugar Daddy
WSJ: Iraq Amnesia - The real "coalition of the bribed" was at the U.N.
NYT: U.S. Report Says Hussein Bought Arms With Ease
NYT: Iraq Disk Mentions U.S. Schools
ABC: School Warning - School Plans, Security Information Gathered by Suspected Iraq Insurgent Focus Concern on Schools in Six States
SD U/T: S.D. school crisis plan is found on disk in Iraq
MSNBC: Schools warned after plans found in Iraq
Egypt: 200kg Car Bomb Deployed in Taba Hilton Attack
AP: Blasts Kill 30 Near Egypt-Israel Border
France: Explosion at Embassy in Paris
Australia: No regrets over Iraq: Howard
Charles Krauthammer: Targeting our democracy
David Limbaugh: Latest WMD Report Doesn't Hurt President Bush
James Glasman: The Bush Economy