Tuesday, October 05, 2004
Cheney over Edwards: Not Even Close
One major failing by Dick Cheney in the VP Debate tonight: He directed citizens to George Soros' site instead of www.factcheck.org at first thought, uggh! but people should be aware of who George Soros is and how whacked out he is given he's the biggest donor support of Kerry/Edwards campaign.
Otherwise it was not even close IMO. Edwards couldn't retreat to Halliburton smears enough times to stop the damage. He & Kerry were both readily exposed as the posers that they are.
"If you can't stand up to Howard Dean, how can you stand up to Al Qaeda?"
A verbal barage that might be considered legal battery in some states. Stature gap didn't even begin to describe the grand canyon of credibility that was revealed as was Edwards' nickname, "Senator Gone", because he & Kerry are so regulary absent from important meetings in their Senate history.
Mrs. Edwards reminded her husband he had been in a room with Dick Cheney once or twice before but no mention of any time they may have ever met in the US Senate.
Libs pounced afterwards on Cheney's (again) acknowledging there is no exact operational link between Iraq and 9/11 by outlining the war on terror and pointing out Kerry / Edwards approach is to not take on harborers of terrorists but to wait until the country is attacked and then, they promise, they'll respond. On the Cheney side there is still some overlapping pain from Paul Bremer's airing of State Dept. laundry but no scratches.
Moderator-wise Gwen Ifle was a fair surprise - she even brought to light, in questioning John Edwards, that Kerry's beloved France & Germany have stated flat out they won't participate with him, to which Edwards had no response on hand.
FNC: Transcript and Video
AP: Excerpts
Some commentary available:
NR / Gary Andres: Mission Accomplished
Kerry Spot on the DNC attack on the online polls.
Hugh Hewitt concurs on the (obvious) summary quote
Bush Campaign undoubtedly pleased
More Nastiness: Protestors Ransack Bush/Cheney Headquarters In Orlando
WT/UPI: Shots fired into Knoxville Bush/Cheney headquarters