Saturday, September 25, 2004
WT: Mr. Lockhart's smoking gun?
The Washington Times solves the 2 Document question and ties everything up with Joe Lockhart in a nice little quid pro quo package. Following is the chain of events which the Times has assembled, based on the statements and reports made to date:
Friday, Sept. 3: Ms. Mapes and CBS reporter Mike Smith Got First 2 Documents from Burkett at Pizza Restaurant
Saturday, Sept. 4: Mapes speaks with Lockhart, Lockhart speaks with Burkett
Sunday, Sept. 5: CBS reporter Mike Smith Got the Infamous 4 Documents from Burkett
At some point, on, during or after September 4, in other reports, Mike McCurry said Lockhart also informed Kerry campaign manager Mary Beth Cahill about the conversation, and she, personally, informed Kerry himself.